Advent of Educational Portals in India
Since the advent of technology, the students confused & seeking information primarily reaches out to the Internet. The internet not only caters to clearing their doubts but also provides additional information. Furthermore, a student who recently passed out of 10th & 12th standard, & is seeking career counselling, turns to the internet for quality information. With the help of the increasing technology & information online, the students are learning about various career options that were not apparent in the former years.
Therefore, to keep up with the student’s requirements, the internet has witnessed various educational portals coming up. The primary aim of the education portals is to provide students with the required examination & admission details. Since there is an end number of career fields to pursue in India Therefore, there are various entrance exams for the same. The candidates seeking admission, therefore, must be aware of the exam dates & details. They can subsequently get all this information via the education portals.
In India, the most eminent & the oldest education portal, Shiksha was launched back in the 90s. It guided the students, by providing information related to various fields of education. The students who were confused & did not know where to go found solace by visiting the online portal of Shiksha. Thereafter, the students didn’t have to find seek guidance for preparation from anywhere else. With just a click, it disseminated knowledge to thousand of students.
Subsequently, as the years passed, the trend of online educational portals grew. Therefore, the early years of the 21st century witnessed more education portals coming up than ever before. After, Shiksha, other education portals such as CollegeDunia & Aglasem & Career360 also came up. The primary aim of these portals was to educate the students & help them achieve their dreams without any hurdles.
Also, the students could now get the previous year’s question papers online through the education portals & solve them, which helped them save time. Thereby helping them in securing an optimal result. Moreover, in earlier times, the students had to go from one college to another, take help from classmates & talk to teachers in order to get the question papers. However, with the advent of technology & education portals coming up, the question papers were uploaded online. Now, the students were just a click away from downloading the papers.
Likewise, the students didn’t have to visit their colleges in order to get the exam date sheet. They could just check it online & also get more recent updates via the educational portals. Similarly, the students could also check their results by providing their application id & password. The internet had changed & made the students’ lives far simpler & faster than previous times.
Subsequently, a new educational portal, NextInCareer came into view. It provided the students with updates ranging from scholarships, Polytechnic, ITIs, Boards, Universities, Engineering & Medical Exams. It was a whole package. The students could now get all their information from one source.
The students sitting in different states could check information & apply for scholarships, whilst being at their homes. Furthermore, the students who were aspiring to take admission in Universities but were confused as to how to go on about it could now get the details of the entire admission process from the portal itself.
Also, the students aspiring to take admission in engineering & medical courses could check the detailed information from the portal. Furthermore, it provided the students on how to prepare for the country’s toughest of exams, like IIT JEE & AIPMT. The students could find the best preparation books & tips on how to crack the exam. This evidently helped the candidates in securing an optimal rank.
March 31, 2020