Heart Touching Mirza Ghalib Shayari in Hindi and English
Image Source: thedailyguardian.com
Mirza Ghalib was a 19th-century Urdu poet who is considered one of the greatest poets of all time. His ghazals are known for their beauty, pain, and longing. They have been translated into many languages and are enjoyed by people all over the world.
Ghalib’s shayari is often heart-touching because it deals with the universal themes of love, loss, and separation. He writes about the pain of unrequited love, the longing for a lost loved one, and the despair of loneliness. His words can be both beautiful and heartbreaking, and they often leave the reader feeling deeply moved.
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Here are some examples of heart-touching Mirza Ghalib shayari in Hindi:
Mirza Ghalib Shayari Number 1 in Hindi:
ये इश्क़ नहीं आसाँ, ये जंग-ए-बहतर है
जिसमें हर कदम पे मौत का ख़तरा है
बर्बाद हुए हैं कितने ही इश्क़ में दीवाने
पर किसी ने भी इस जंग में माँग नहीं ली हार
This love is not easy, it is a better war
In which there is a danger of death at every step
Many lovers have been ruined in love
But no one has asked for defeat in this war
Heart Touching Mirza Ghalib Shayari Number 2 in Hindi:
दिल में दर्द हो तो दर्द ही अच्छा है
वरना ये सुकून भी क्या है जो सुकून से मारता है
मोहब्बत में अगर दर्द न होता तो ये मोहब्बत ही क्या होती
दर्द ही तो मोहब्बत की पहचान है
If there is pain in the heart, then pain is good
Otherwise, what is this peace that kills with peace?
If there was no pain in love, then what would love be?
Pain is the identity of love
Mirza Ghalib Shayari Number 3 in Hindi:
आँखों में आँसू आते हैं तो क्या हुआ
ये तो इश्क़ की निशानी है
इश्क़ में बिना आँसू बहाए कोई मोहब्बत नहीं होती
आँसू ही मोहब्बत की भाषा है
So what if tears come to my eyes?
This is the sign of love
There is no love without tears in love
Tears are the language of love
Heart Touching Mirza Ghalib Shayari Number 4 in Hindi:
बेवफ़ाई का दर्द तो हर कोई सह लेता है
मगर मोहब्बत में धोखा खाने का दर्द सहना मुश्किल है
धोखा खाने के बाद इंसान पूरी तरह से टूट जाता है
और फिर कभी पूरी तरह से नहीं जुड़ पाता
Everyone can bear the pain of betrayal
But it is difficult to bear the pain of being cheated in love
After being cheated, a person is completely broken
And can never be fully connected again
Mirza Ghalib Shayari Number 5 in Hindi:
ख़ुद को भी रब ने नाज़ से बनाया होगा
कि इस दिल में तुझसे मुहब्बत बसाई होगी
तुझसे मिलने की चाहत में बेताब हूँ मैं
पर इश्क़ में ये भी इज़्ज़त है कि खामोश रहूँ
Even God created himself with pride
That this heart has made love with you
I am restless with the desire to meet you
But there is also respect in love that I remain silent
Mirza Ghalib Shayari Number 6 in Hindi:
आँखों से जो आँसू बहते हैं
वो मेरी ज़िंदगी की दास्ताँ बयान करते हैं
मैंने मोहब्बत में जो कुछ भी किया है
वो सब मेरी आँखों से बहते आँसुओं में है
The tears that flow from my eyes
They narrate the story of my life
I have done everything in love
Everything is in my tears that flow from my eyes
Mirza Ghalib Shayari Number 7 in Hindi:
तुमसे मोहब्बत करके मैंने क्या हासिल किया
सिर्फ़ इस दिल को तड़पाया है
तुमसे मिलने की चाहत में मैं मरता हूँ
पर तुम मेरे ख़्वाबों में भी नहीं आती
What did I achieve by loving you?
I have only tormented this heart
I die in the desire to meet you
But you don’t even come in my dreams
Mirza Ghalib Shayari Number 8 in Hindi:
तुम ख़ुद को मेरे ख़याल से दूर कर लो
वरना मैं तुम्हारे ख़याल में ही रहूँगा
तुम मुझे भूल जाओ लेकिन मैं तुम्हें नहीं भूलूँगा
तुम मुझे चाहो या न चाहो, मैं तुम्हें हमेशा चाहूँगा
Take yourself away from my thoughts
Otherwise I will stay in your thoughts
You forget me but I will not forget you
Whether you love me or not, I will always love you
Mirza Ghalib Shayari Number 9 in Hindi:
बेताब दिल से हमको क्या डरना
इश्क़ है तो मरना ही होगा
जो डरता है वो मुहब्बत नहीं कर सकता
इश्क़ में जोखिम उठाना ही पड़ता है
Why should we be afraid of a restless heart?
If there is love, then one must die
One cannot love if one is afraid
One has to take risks in love
Mirza Ghalib Shayari Number 10 in Hindi:
ज़िंदगी का हर लम्हा इश्क़ है
हर पल में मोहब्बत है
जो इस बात को समझ गया, वो समझ गया
और जो नहीं समझा, वो समझेगा नहीं
Every moment of life is love
There is love in every moment
Whoever understands this, understands
And whoever does not understand, will not understand
Mirza Ghalib Shayari Number 11 in Hindi:
तुमसे मिलना है तो मिलो
वरना ख़्वाबों में भी मत आना
मेरे ख़्वाबों में भी तुम नहीं हो
तो फिर मैं कहाँ रहूँगा
If you want to meet me, then meet me
Otherwise do not even come in dreams
You are not even in my dreams
Then where will I be
These are just a few examples of heart touching Mirza Ghalib shayari in Hindi. His poetry is full of such moving and beautiful words that can touch the hearts of anyone who reads them. If you are looking for poetry that will make you feel, then Mirza Ghalib is the poet for you.
In addition to being heart-touching, Mirza Ghalib’s shayari is also known for its wit and wordplay. He often uses metaphors and similes to create vivid imagery and to express his complex emotions. His poetry is a feast for the senses, and it can be enjoyed on many levels.
If you are interested in learning more about Mirza Ghalib and his shayari, there are many resources available online and in libraries. You can also find translations of his poetry into many languages. I encourage you to explore his work and to experience the beauty and power of his words.
Amanda Mills
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