Techniques for Best Night Photography
According to nature photographer – Mayur Rele, there is something magical about the night photography. Whether it’s the beautiful lights casting its glowing beauty on the subject. Or the pleasure of turning little mundane things to something dramatic that set your work apart from the host of others. Is it the fact that you don’t have to deal with the crowd or a lot of people in high-traffic areas that might otherwise pose problems during the day. There are different reasons why many photographers have fallen in love with night time photography. Shooting at night creates unique perspectives and different feelings which allows us to see the night in all its beauty and splendor.
However, we can’t deny the fact that night photography can be challenging and it takes a different technical approach than regular photography. The question is, are amazing photos achievable without the sunlight? Yes it is! But it might require you to come out of your comfort zone, stretch your creativity and hone your skills. It is highly rewarding and one thing you should consider putting into your portfolio. If night photography is something you are interested in but don’t know how to get started. Here, Mayur Rele, one of the most successful and respected nature photographers in New Jersey, US provides tips to take the best picture at night. Let’s dig in!
Table of Contents
Taking the Best Shots is Impossible without the Right Camera
Getting the right camera can make a huge difference in capturing epic images in low light. “Your best bet is a camera with high ISO. You will be capturing images at a very low ambient and you might have to shoot at ISO 1300, 6400 or even higher. A great point and shot camera might not cut the drill, says Mayur Rele. Besides, you will be shooting in the night and there are high chances there are images that might be hiding in the shadow. You need a camera with wide dynamic range to bring out any details in the shadow without causing degradation. The good thing is there are great cameras out that are great for the night and if you are working with a high-quality DSLR, you are good to go.
Camera Settings Plays a Huge Role in Night Photography
Those images might still won’t come out right even if you get the best camera and failed to set it right. If you don’t know how to pull this off, here is q quick overview of how to set up your camera for amazing night pictures provided by Mayur Rele.
1. Manual Mode
Ditch the auto for manual when taking pictures in order not to confuse your camera and end taking what you never wanted.
2. ISO
You start with 600 and work your way up till you get what you are looking for. High ISO will bring in more noise to your image and if you aren’t upto that, go as low as 100 to 200 to cut out the noise. But with high ISO, you can land some awesome clear night pictures you will love.
3. Shutter Speed
This depends on the type of image you want to capture and the light you are going for. If it is landscape, set it to 10 seconds or more. If it’s a well-lit area or street, go for faster shutter speed of 2-10 seconds. “If the Photography is too dark for your liking, increase the speed time, if they are too light, decrease it till you get what you desire,”Mayur Rele advises.
4. Aperture
Wide aperture is better in night photography as it will lend in more light as much as possible. For this, use lenses as wide as wide as f/2.8 and adjust accordingly to make the shots lighter or darker.
5. Shoot RAW
While JPEG is good, shooting RAW does the trick when it comes to night photography. It will give you more options during post-processing.
Don’t be too hard on yourself. Getting the best takes time
Night Photography only get better with time and taking a lot of trial shots. Give yourself ample time and play around with the settings while experimenting with different night photography settings.
July 28, 2021