3 Brilliant Dog Urns you Should Look For
Pet owners know the feeling of losing their furry friend, either a cat or a dog or any other animal for that matter. Therefore, they look for ways to commemorate their memories and what else could be better than a beautiful urn. Are you looking for some dog urns? Well, they make a perfect choice if you want to cherish the memories of your dog and give them a farewell they deserve. While most people look for small dog urns for ashes collection, you can also go for other sizes and designs that fit your needs. Irrespective of what you choose, you can be sure of finding a good resting place for your pet. However, because this urn would have a lot of importance and meaning attached to it, you must look for the best design that is available out there. If you are not sure of how to go about it, here are a few designs that you can choose from.
• Ceramic Dog Urns
Ceramic dog urns have gained a lot of attention from the buyers in the past few years. This is mainly due to the extraordinary options that are available under this category and that too, at pretty affordable rates. Although most urns are available for around $100 – $200, the prices can go up to even $500 depending on the complexity of the designs. Based on your preferences and the amount you are willing to spend, you can easily make your selection from the ceramic category, which is sure to provide you with some incredible pieces.
• Paw Print Urns
An urn with paw prints on it is one of the most common designs that are usually sought by people. Most people think of it as ordinary, but they cannot be more wrong about this. Even under the paw print designs, you can find a vast variety of products to meet your needs and preferences. From a pair of big paws to several small prints, there are tons of designs that you can opt for. You can also find plain urns with paws embossed on their lids. If you are looking for pet urns for small dogs, there can indeed be no better choice than this particular type of urn.
• Ocean Sand/Quartz Urn
Apart from the classic paw prints, you can also look for ocean sand or quartz urns, which are produced by using sustainable material. Their outer surface is covered with crushed quartz or real sand beach, both of which provide a unique texture that cannot be produced by any other material. Besides, they are biodegradable in nature, and thus, make a perfect choice if you are looking for an environment-friendly product.
These are some incredible designs for pet urns. However, if they do not satisfy your preferences, you can also opt for customized products and design an urn according to your wishes.
July 24, 2020