18 Symptoms and Treatment of Blood Cancer in India
Blood cancer affects the overall function and production of blood cells. It is a life-threatening disease. Blood cancer starts in the bone marrow which is the vital source for producing blood in the human body. Stem cells in your bone marrow grow and turn into three types of blood cells: red blood cells, white blood cells, or platelets. The growth of cancerous cells in the bone marrow disrupts the production of blood resulting in different types of life-threatening diseases namely Myeloma, Leukemia, and Lymphoma. It stops the function of bone marrow from fighting infections, preventing loss of blood, etc.
Blood cancer treatment cost in India ranges between 20,00,000 to 40,00,000 depending on the type of cancer, location of cancer, type of hospital, and other factors.
Table of Contents
Signs and Symptoms of blood cancer:
Some of the common signs of blood cancer in adults include the following. Each blood cancer type is different but they may have the same signs and symptoms. Some may experience symptoms when the blood cancer reaches its aggressive stage.
- Gum bleeding
- Weight loss
- Shortness of breath
- Sweating of body during the night
- Easy bruising
- Recurrent fever and infection
- Extreme fatigue, weakness, and Malaise
- Minimal body strain results in bone fractures
- Anorexia
- Frequent vomiting sensation
- Confusion and Delirium
- Occurrence of fine rashes and dark spots
- Difficulty while urinating and decrease inflow of the urine
- Headache and visual difficulties
- Abnormal bleeding of gums in nose and cuts leading to a reduction in platelet count
- Back pain, bone pain, and abdominal pain
- Lumps or abdominal distention due to enlarged abdominal organs
- Enlargement of lymph nodes
Symptoms of blood cancer in females and males are the same. Some may experience symptoms when the blood cancer reaches its aggressive stage.
“Prevention is better than cure.”
One can reduce the risk of developing cancer. Regular screening of cancer can help detect the problem early and treat it. You must adopt a healthy lifestyle and eat a balanced diet, take all necessary precautions, and avoid exposure to radiation to reduce the risk of blood cancer.
Treatment of blood cancer India:
The good news is that no matter blood cancer creates havoc but it has effective treatments available and is evolving rapidly. The survival rates in treating blood cancer patients are growing upwards. The goal of the treatment for blood cancer involves the complete elimination of the cancerous cells in the bone marrow. Several treatment options are available in treating this dangerous disease.
- Biological therapy to kill cancer cells.
- Chemotherapy
- Bone marrow transplantation: This is a medical procedure to replace the damaged bone marrow with healthy bone marrow.
Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute maintains its stand in providing the best blood cancer treatment in India and personalized care. They have specialization in all sorts of treatments ranging from chemo and radiotherapy to stem cells and bone marrow transplants.
The treatment of aplastic anemia will depend on your overall health, age factor, medicines, blood transfusion, and bone marrow transplantation.
Blood Cancer Causes:
The exact cause of this cancer is still unknown, however various factors determine its onset. Some of the causes of blood cancer include the following:
- Aging
- Family history
- Certain infections
- Weak immune system
Types of blood cancer in adults:
There are three main types of blood cancer occurring in adults. This includes Leukemia, myeloma, and lymphoma.
This is a blood cancer that originates in the blood and bone marrow. It happens when the body produces an excessive number of dysfunctional white blood cells, interfering with the capacity of the bone marrow to produce red blood cells and platelets.
Lymphoma is a blood cancer that arises in the lymphatic system from lymphocytes, a form of white blood cell that aids in the body’s immune system.
Myeloma is a form of blood cancer that starts in the plasma cells of the blood, which are a type of white blood cell produced in the bone marrow.
Blood Cancer stages:
The following are the stages of blood cancer depending on its metastasis. There are different scales to determine different stages based on symptoms and rate of metastasis.
Stage 1:
Stage 1 of blood cancer involves enlargement of the lymph nodes. This occurs as a result of a rapid rise in the number of lymphocytes. Since cancer has not spread or infected any other physical organs, the risk is very low at this time.
Stage 2:
Stage 2 cancer involves enlargement of the liver, spleen, and lymph nodes. It is not appropriate for all of these organs to be affected at the same time; however, at least one of them will be affected at this point. The lymphocytes are rapidly growing at this level.
Stage 3:
Stage 3 of blood cancer involves anemia development and other organs getting enlarged. At this point, more than two organs are almost certainly affected.
Stage 4:
Stage 4 of blood cancer is the last stage with the highest risk. The rate of blood platelets begins to rapidly decrease. The cancerous cells begin to damage the lungs, as well as other organs that had already been damaged in earlier stages. Anemia is more likely to be acute at this point.
There are different types of blood cancer. Each type affects the particular type of cell present in the blood. A routine blood test can lead to the early detection and cure of cancer.
Is blood cancer curable in the last stage?
Unfortunately, cancer is the last stage has less chance of getting cured as they have involved with maximum tissues. However, with leukemia, it can be cured even at the last stage because of the introduction of new treatments. Curing last stage blood cancer depends on several factors such as the age of the patient, how the patient is responsive to the therapy etc.
Blood cancer treatment in India is low compared to South Africa and other nations worldwide. South Africa also lacks modern amenities, a team of specialized doctors in India, and a well-equipped hospital in treating this havoc disease- blood cancer. Hence, many people from South Africa prefer India as the best destination for medical care.
April 17, 2021