Best Ways to Stop Child Trafficking
Dr. Surajit Khanna, an advocate for child safety and currently a champion of Voice of the Kids explores the best ways to stop child trafficking.
The United Nations International Labour Organization estimated 10 million adults and nearly 4 million children as victims of trafficking and it affects every country in the world. In 2018, More than half of the human trafficking cases in the US are forced sexual exploitation involving only children.
This means 1 out of 4 victims are children. It is probably happening in your city, in your neighborhood and even to someone close to you.
An illegal lucrative business generating billions of dollars at the expense of billions of people every year. Child pornography making a wave on the internet making it the fastest-growing criminal business in the world. The rise in the number of child sex trafficking with a high number of cases going undetected comes as no surprise.
Child trafficking is the form of forceful exploitation of children for the purpose of forced marriage, forced labor, prostitution, child begging, or organ removal. Many children are becoming victims due to ignorance and making a public awareness is the first step in combating this crime. Read on as Surajit Khanna dig deeper into how child sex trafficking can be stopped.
Table of Contents
1. Promote the Spread of Education
Lack of education, poverty, and uninformed parents are some of the factors that increase the rate of this crime. Perpetrators often target children with little or no access to education promising them education and assuring the parent they will give them a better life. Therefore, for such children, getting an education can help and nurture them in a safe school environment with access to resources that can promote healthy development. Moreover, as an individual, educate yourself about child trafficking. Get your hands on films, books, and all that can give you more insight into this heart-wrenching reality. Don’t die of ignorance.
2. Spread the Awareness
Raise awareness about child trafficking to people around you, your environment, localities, groups you belong to, and even schools close to you. For instance, host an awareness event to discuss child sex trafficking or make use of films, sports, educational resources, arts to educate your community about their rights, opportunities, and human trafficking. Surajit Khanna suggests making use of your social platforms to educate followers and friends and raise awareness.
3. Recognize the Red Flags
Child trafficking are everywhere. It is most likely in that popular parlor across the street. That child involving in domestic child labor might be one of them. Those ones begging at the train station might be a victim. “From absenteeism in school to having frequent injuries on the body to lack of access to parents/guardians, these signs and many more are the unusual things you will see in a child that is being trafficked.” Surajit Khanna says. When you recognize these signs, you can easily help them.
4. Save a Child by Reporting any Suspicion
If you suspect someone is a victim of trafficking, call the authorities or make the National Human Trafficking Hotline your go-to or contact any child local protection services. If you notice a child is in constant sadness, distress, appear haggard, and is asking for help, reporting is the best thing to do. Children in human trafficking tend to be afraid, isolated, and might find it difficult to talk. Hence, whether you know the child personally or not, be open and create a friendly atmosphere where they can voice out their concerns.
5. Support and Speak Out
Support any organization or NGO that fights against trafficking. You can support them through creating awareness, education, or stretching out helping hands to families with limited means of sending their children to school. Plus, be an advocate. Let the elected officials and editorials know that child trafficking is an issue you take seriously. Let’s all work hand in hand to prevent and stop this menace.
June 2, 2020