Categories: Health

10 Yoga is Beneficial in Migraines

Migraines can be eradicated through yoga, and yoga is also active in reducing pain. Research has shown that the frequency and intensity of migraines decrease with practicing yoga with its regular treatment. Selective yoga poses reduce stress, which is a root cause of migraines. Yoga gives the person a chance to relax and actually improves blood circulation in the body. If blood circulation improves, then there is definitely a relief from migraines and stress.

Therefore, in this article, I will give information about 10 yoga asanas that provide relief from migraines. You can also get rid of the problem of migraines by regular practice of these yoga asanas. You can make a career along with the health benefits of doing yoga asanas by joining Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India

Why does a migraine occur?

There is some kind of loss in the brain, due to which the way the nerves communicate with each other, there should be a change in them.

  1. Changes in some chemicals inside the brain.
  2. Maybe someone in your family has a migraine. It is also genetic.
  3. Hormonal change
  4. Some special type of food, which contains fake sugar.
  5. Stress
  6. weather
  7. Some special medicines
  8. Do not sleep well
  9. Wine, Cigarettes.

So let us know which Yoga Asanas should be done in a migraine-affected state.

Bal asana treatment of Migraine:

In Bal asana your entire body gets rest. It not only reduces migraines but also helps in reducing fatigue. Do the Bal asana for 1-2 minutes.

Marjariasana is beneficial for Migraine:

Marjariasana improves blood circulation and relaxes the mind as well. Both of these are useful in reducing Migraines. Do this asana for 1-2 minutes.

Uttanasana is beneficial in Migraine:

Uttanasana increases the blood supply strengthens the nervous system and calms the mind. Do this asana for 1 minute. After Uttanasana you can also do Padahastasana. It is also active in relieving migraines. Do the Padahastasana for 1 minute.

Paschimottanasan For Migraine:

Paschimottanasan calms the brain and relieves stress. This asana also relieves headaches. Perform Paschimottanasana for 1 minute. After Paschimottanasan you can also do Janushirasana. It also helps in relieving migraines. Do Janushirasana for 1 minute.

Shavasana for Migraine:

In Shavasana, your body is in the most comfortable position. This asana helps a lot in getting relief from migraines. Let it be done for 5-10 minutes.

Keep these things in mind:

Setu Bandhasana/Bridge Pose for Migraine:

Sethu Bandhasana calms the mind and helps to overcome anxiety. Due to its practice, blood circulation increases towards the head. Which helps to overcome the problem of migraines.

Marjariasana/Cat stretch For Migraine:

Regular practice of Marjaryasana not only increases blood circulation in the head, but also provides excellent stretches and massages to the neck, shoulders, and spine. This asana is very useful to relieve headache and migraine problems.

Paschimottanasana/Two-legged Forward bend For Migraine:

For thousands of years, Indian yogis have been advising the practice of Paschimottanasana to increase concentration in students. This asana is done by leaning forward. The practice of this asana gives tremendous stretch to the veins of hands, feet, abdomen, back, and head.

If this asana is practiced regularly, it can work effectively in headaches, migraines as well as in the problem of pain in the knees and waist.

Adho Mukha Svanasana/Downward Dog Pose for Migraine:

Adho Mukha Svanasana, also known as Downward Dog Pose, is a yoga posture that can be helpful in relieving migraines. Here are the steps to perform this pose:

  1. Begin on your hands and knees with your wrists directly under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.
  2. As you exhale, lift your knees off the floor, straighten your legs, and lift your hips up and back.
  3. Press your hands firmly into the floor and lengthen your spine, drawing your tailbone toward the ceiling.
  4. Keep your head and neck relaxed, and let your gaze fall between your feet or toward your navel.
  5. Stay in this pose for 5-10 breaths, then release by lowering your knees to the floor and resting in Child’s Pose.

Remember to listen to your body and modify the pose if needed. If you experience any pain or discomfort, come out of the pose and seek advice from a qualified yoga teacher or healthcare professional.

Makarasana/Crocodile Pose for Migraine:

In Makrana, the eyes are closed and breathed and released. And because of this the body and mind get peace. Also relieves depression, restlessness, confusion, migraine, and brain disorders. This asana is very beneficial for people suffering from headaches.

  • Remember that you get relief from yoga practice only after continuous practice and get it slowly.
  • For yoga, do not increase joint pain, for this, take the help of such things like the help of objects, pillows, and other devices that support the body during exercise.
  • Do not stress more than your physical ability.
Shipra Pundir

I love to write articles on health or lifestyle niche and yoga practices. And still trying to make useful content for my readers.

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